【摘要】四六级考试中,翻译水平的高低与写作、听力及阅读题型的得分情况呈正相关。中英文表达的区别之一在于汉语讲究“意合”,句子上下文之间大多不使用连词;英语则讲究“形合”,因此,仅逗号不能实现句子上下文的显性连接,而需要使用相关连词加以实现。笔者在本文中指出,包含逗号的汉语句子,汉译英时,其逗号主要可选择两种方式来处理,即,由and, not only… but also…, while, but, or, so等导出并列结构以及使用状语或状语从句,以期从某种程度上应对学生翻译题型严重失分现象,从而有助于其四六级考试的通过。
一个汉语句子若有逗号,说明该句较长,汉译英时主要可以选择两种方式来处理:由and, not only… but also…, while, but, or, so等导出并列结构;使用状语或状语从句。
一、由and, not only… but also…, while, but, or, so等导出并列结构
译文:Bicycles used to be the dominant means of transportation in China’s cities and countryside, and the nation was once called the “Kingdom of Bicycles”.
解析:英语注重“形合”,强调显性连接,因此,仅逗号不能连接英语句子,而需要根据上下文之间的逻辑关系使用相关连词加以连接。本句中,原文上下分句之间呈现一种联合关系,汉译英时,用并列连词and来连接。在汉语表达中,and 一般不译出。
译文:The operational speed of high-speed trains will continue to rise in the future, and high-speed railway stations will be built in more cities.
译文:They not only drive to and from work, but also often go travelling by car.
译文:Bicycle lanes have been built in many cities to encourage people to travel by bike.(目的状语)
译文:The municipal governments of these cities have to adopt new regulations to limit the number of cars on the road.(目的状语)
例3. 过去,拥有一辆私家车对大部分中国人而言是件奢侈的事。
译文:In the past, owning a private car was an extravagance for most Chinese people. (时间状语)
例4. 高铁列车的突出优势在于准时,因为基本能不受天气或交通管制的影响。
译文:An enormous advantage that high-speed trains have is that they are punctual because they are in general less affected by weather or traffic control.
例5. 有些城市的汽车增长速度过快,以至于交通拥堵和停车位不足的问题日益严峻。
译文:In some cities, the number of cars has grown so fast that traffic jams and parking space shortages are becoming increasingly serious.(结果状语从句)
例6. 随着城市交通拥堵和空气污染日益严重,骑自行车又开始流行起来。
译文:Bike riding is gaining popularity again as traffic jam and air pollution become increasingly serious in cities. (时间状语从句)
一个汉语句子若有逗号,说明该句较长,汉译英时主要可以选择两种方式来处理:由and, not only… but also…, while, but, or, so等导出并列结构;使用状语或状语从句。
一、由and, not only… but also…, while, but, or, so等导出并列结构
译文:Bicycles used to be the dominant means of transportation in China’s cities and countryside, and the nation was once called the “Kingdom of Bicycles”.
解析:英语注重“形合”,强调显性连接,因此,仅逗号不能连接英语句子,而需要根据上下文之间的逻辑关系使用相关连词加以连接。本句中,原文上下分句之间呈现一种联合关系,汉译英时,用并列连词and来连接。在汉语表达中,and 一般不译出。
译文:The operational speed of high-speed trains will continue to rise in the future, and high-speed railway stations will be built in more cities.
译文:They not only drive to and from work, but also often go travelling by car.
译文:Bicycle lanes have been built in many cities to encourage people to travel by bike.(目的状语)
译文:The municipal governments of these cities have to adopt new regulations to limit the number of cars on the road.(目的状语)
例3. 过去,拥有一辆私家车对大部分中国人而言是件奢侈的事。
译文:In the past, owning a private car was an extravagance for most Chinese people. (时间状语)
例4. 高铁列车的突出优势在于准时,因为基本能不受天气或交通管制的影响。
译文:An enormous advantage that high-speed trains have is that they are punctual because they are in general less affected by weather or traffic control.
例5. 有些城市的汽车增长速度过快,以至于交通拥堵和停车位不足的问题日益严峻。
译文:In some cities, the number of cars has grown so fast that traffic jams and parking space shortages are becoming increasingly serious.(结果状语从句)
例6. 随着城市交通拥堵和空气污染日益严重,骑自行车又开始流行起来。
译文:Bike riding is gaining popularity again as traffic jam and air pollution become increasingly serious in cities. (时间状语从句)