“军工产品,质量第一”是口号,是要求,更应该是不折不扣的务实行动。面对当前紧迫、饱满的高新武器装备的研制生产任务,重新认识这句话,字字千钧,含义特殊。1 质量目的清晰重大加快国防工程是维护国家安全和祖国统一严峻形势的需要。目前各军工科研院所(厂)承担的高新武器研制生产任务,是以打赢战争为立足点,向我军及时迅速地提供技术先进、顶用可靠的武器装备,这是一项十分严肃的政治任务,来不得半点含糊。质量责任,重于泰山。
“Military products, quality first ” is the slogan, is the requirement, but should be more pragmatic pragmatic action. In the face of the urgent and full development and production tasks of new and high-tech weaponry and equipment, it is extremely rare that we should re-understand this remark. 1 Quality Objectives Clear and Significant Speed up of national defense projects is the need to safeguard the grim situation of national security and the reunification of the motherland. At present, the task of research and production of high-tech weapons undertaken by various military research institutes (factories) takes the advantage of winning the war as the starting point and rapidly and promptly providing our troops with technologically advanced and reliable weapons and equipment. This is a very serious issue Political task, not to be ambiguous. Quality responsibility, heavier than Taishan.