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南京太平门外,钟山北麓,有一座航空烈士公墓.她座落在巍巍钟山的青松翠柏之中,气势雄伟,墓前竖有青石牌坊.牌坊上镌刻“航空烈士公墓”六个大字,两边对联一副:上联是“捍国骋长空伟绩光照青史册”,下联是“凯旋埋烈骨丰碑美媲黄花岗”.牌坊背面刻有“精忠保国” 四个大字和“英名万古传飞将,正气千秋北国魂”一联.进入陵地,建有一亭,匾书“气壮山河”四字.亭中立有一碑,上刻民主革命先驱孙文1923年手迹“航空救国”的大字.穿过陈列室,拾级而上,便是碑群,主碑矗立,高15m,呈V字形,象征着胜利.主碑上面刻有张爱萍将军题写的“抗日航空烈士纪念碑”草书,字迹道劲,笔走龙蛇,右面是奠文.碑后方环列花岗石英烈碑群三十座六十面.分别用中、俄、英三种文字镌刻着三千多位中外航空烈士英名之简历.主碑上有浮雕,栩栩如生地反映中 Outside the Taiping Gate in Nanjing, there is an air martyr cemetery in the foothills of the air martyrs cemetery, located in the pines and cypresses of the towering mountains and cypresses, On both sides of the couplet: the couplet is “to defend the glorious history of the great achievements of the Great Wall of Light”, the next is “triumphant burial monument beauty comparable to the yellow granite.” Memorial engraved on the back of the “Zhongbao Paul” four characters and “ Flying will be, upright and prosperous North soul. ”Into the mausoleum, built a kiosk, plaque book“ magnificent mountains and rivers, ”the word .Tablet has a neutral monument, engraved engraved on behalf of Sun Yat-sen revolutionary 1923“ air to save the country ”characters. Over the showroom, up the stairs, is the monument group, the main monument stands, high 15m, was V-shaped symbol of victory.The main monument engraved with the General Zhang Aiping wrote “anti-Japanese air martyrs monument” cursive, Take the dragon snake, the right is the laying of the text. Behind the monument Central granite column monument column thirty sixty, respectively, with Chinese, Russian, English three engraved with more than 3000 Chinese and foreign aviation martyrs name of the resume. Relief on the monument, vividly reflected
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20 0 2年 7月 2 8日~ 8月 1日 ,由中国科技情报学会、中国国防科技信息学会主办 ,郑州航空工业管理学院信息科学系承办的“新世纪情报学教育发展战略研讨会”在郑州航空工业管