Small Handkerchief and Giant Enterprise——Interview with Wang Puping,Board Chairwoman of Jiangsu Baih

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Jiangsu Baihua Industrial Group Co., Ltd., well known for its small handker chiefs in the international market, has efficiently exerted its advantages in branding, technology, talent resources, etc., and managed to expand into a combination of textile products, road and bridge projects, real estate development, chemical industry, gold and jewelry, Pharmaceuticals and medical instruments, hotels, import and export, etc., and provincial enterprises group successful in multi-industries, multi-areas, multi-ownership systems. Its success cannot be separated from Chairwoman Wang Puping’s smart job and great efforts. Wang Puping began to take the post of president of Haimen Handkerchief Factory in 1985. It was the former body of Jiangsu Baihua Industrial Group. Haimen Hand- Jiangsu Baihua Industrial Group Co., Ltd., well known for its small handker chiefs in the international market, has efficientexerted its advantages in branding, technology, talent resources, etc., and managed to expand into a combination of textile products, road and bridge projects, real estate development, chemical industry, gold and jewelry, pharmaceuticals and medical instruments, hotels, import and export, etc., and provincial enterprises group successful in multi-industries, multi-areas, multi-ownership systems. Its success can not be separated from Chairwoman Wang Puping’s smart job and great efforts. Wang Puping began to take the post of president of Haimen Handkerchief Factory in 1985. It was the former body of Jiangsu Baihua Industrial Group.
曾经有个小国派使者到中国来,进贡了三个一模一样的金人,金碧辉煌,把皇帝高兴坏了。可是这小国不厚道,同时出一道题目:这三个金人哪个最有价值?  皇帝想了许多的办法,请来珠宝匠检查,称重量,看做工,都是一模一样的。怎么办?使者还等着回去汇报呢。泱泱大国,不会连这个小事都不懂吧?  最后,有一位退位的老大臣说他有办法。  皇帝将使者请到大殿,老臣胸有成竹地拿着三根稻草,插入第一个金人的耳朵里,这稻草从另
当代著名的管理思想家查尔斯·汉迪把世界上的问题分为两种,一种是“收敛性问题”,即可以找到唯一答案的问题,比如“从这里到洗手间的最短距离是什么”;一种是“发散性问题”,即找不到唯一答案的问题,比如说,“到洗手间去干什么”。可按东方人的传统看法,还有一种“浑沌性问题”,即不好作答的问题,比如“洗手间无可无不可乎”。  古往今来,中国人已习惯了浑沌和模糊的思维模式。这一“国情”常常把爱较真的老外坑得够呛
在近年各种竞赛中,涉及已知方程的根,求方程根的代数式的值.题型形式多样,思维深刻,开放性、灵活性大,涉及知识面广,技巧性 In recent years, various kinds of competition