水稻是一种世界性的重要粮食作物,稻作区域遍布全世界五大洲111个国家.据1978~1980三年平均,全世界稻作面积1.44亿公顷,稻谷总产量3.86亿吨,每公顷平均单产2.68吨(357.4斤/亩),最高6.8吨(906.7斤/亩),最低0.4吨(53.3斤/亩).在全世界111个产稻国中,以每公顷平均单产计算,只有3个国家(南朝鲜、日本、西班牙)单产达到6.0吨(807斤/亩)以上;17个国家的平均单产达到4吨(533.3斤/亩)以上;78个国家的平均单产为2~3吨;13个国家的平均单产低于1吨(133.3斤/亩).其中平均单产为每公顷5吨以上的国家主要分布在温带地区; 而热带国家由于种种社会原因及农业气象条件差异大,加上病虫害多,平均稻谷产量仅为1.5~2.0吨/公顷.
Rice is an important and important food crop in the world with rice growing in 111 countries on five continents. According to the three-year 1978-1980 average, the world’s paddy area is 144 million hectares and the total paddy output is 386 million tons, A yield of 2.68 tons (357.4 kg / mu), the highest 6.8 tons (906.7 kg / mu), the lowest 0.4 tons (53.3 kg / mu) in the world’s 111 rice producing countries, the average yield per hectare, only 3 The yield per unit area reached more than 6.0 tons (807 kg / mu) in countries (South Korea, Japan and Spain); the average yield of 17 countries reached more than 4 tons (533.3 kg / mu); the average yield of 78 countries was 2-3 tons; The average yield of 13 countries is less than 1 ton (133.3 kg / mu), of which the average yield per hectare is more than 5 tons per hectare mainly in temperate regions, while in tropical countries due to various social causes and agro-meteorological differences, More pests and diseases, the average output of paddy is only 1.5 ~ 2.0 tons / hectare.