Rare earth-containing magneto-strictive material has caught theworld attention in recent yearsbecause of its amazing performan-ces:high magnetostrictive ratio,r
China Rare Earth Technology Market,sponsoredby China Rare Earth Information Centre(CREIC),opened and information exchange and technique trans-fer was held Nov.9
Baogang Rare Earth Group received 5 new members December 27, 1995, making the total members of the group reach 14 and becoming the largest rare earth group in t
As scandium has many important applications,quite a few researchers in the world have been engagedin investigating the extraction,separation and applica-tion of
The Chinese Society of Rare Earths will sponsorThe Third International Conference on Rare Earth De-velopment and Applications(ICRE’95)in Beijing,China during t
A report coming from MaterialScience Department of BeijingUniversity of Science and Techno-logy says that new progress has been made in preparing RFeB mag-nets