The effect of principal stress ratio on the creep characteristics of overconsolidated soft soil under plane deformation was studied by plane deformation and creep tests on undisturbed soft soil. The results show that under the condition of plane deformation, the over-shear stress ratio OCR_q is defined by generalized shear stress, which contains the characteristics of pre-consolidation stress and principal stress ratio, which can fully reflect the over-consolidation characteristics of soft soil. The coccoon stress more directly reflects the characteristics of plane creep deformation of overconsolidated soft soil than that of OCR__p. The creep coefficient of overconsolidated soft clay has a one-to-one correspondence with OCR_q, and the larger OCR_q The corresponding creep coefficient is smaller. When OCR_q is the same, the soil with the lower principal stress ratio has larger creep coefficient. The history of overconsolidation stress formed under different principal stress ratios makes the over-consolidated soft soil with plane deformation have a smaller generalized shear stress than the normal consolidation state. Under certain conditions, the smaller the principal stress ratio, the larger the generalized shear stress, The corresponding super-consolidated soil has larger long-term creep deformation.