1 病例介绍 患儿李××,10岁,于1999年4月5日8时在全麻下行右斜疝修补术,手术顺利,于10时回病房。患儿未清醒,呼吸平稳,面色微黄,于10时遵医嘱给予青霉素治疗,按常规配制青霉素皮试液0.1ml(含20单位),在患儿的前臂掌侧下1/3处,常规消毒皮肤后,作皮内注射,二十分钟后观察:皮丘不大,皮丘周围红晕直径小于1cm,为青霉素实验阴性,即遵医嘱给患者5%GNS 250 ml,青霉素400万单位静滴,静滴约二十分钟左右,患儿烦躁,满面通红,颈部及前胸上部皮肤发红,无荨麻疹,脉搏每分钟120次,呼吸无异常变化,血压11/7 kPa,口唇无青紫,即遵医
1 case description Children Li × ×, 10 years old, at 8:00 on April 5, 1999 underwent right oblique hernia repair under general anesthesia, the operation goes well at 10 am back to the ward. Children did not wake up, breathing steady, looking yellowish, at 10 o’clock to give penicillin treatment, according to the routine preparation of penicillin skin test solution 0.1ml (including 20 units), in the child’s forearm palm side 1/3, routine After disinfection of the skin, for intradermal injection, 20 minutes after observation: small pits, picchu around the flush diameter of less than 1cm, negative for penicillin, that is prescribed to patients 5% GNS 250 ml, 4 million units of penicillin intravenous infusion , Intravenous infusion of about 20 minutes or so, children irritability, flushed, upper neck and chest skin redness, urticaria, pulse 120 beats per minute, no abnormal changes in breathing, blood pressure 11/7 kPa, lips without cyanosis , That is compliance