
来源 :吉林广播电视大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanglq
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基于法律大类专业群的专业素质培养与职业发展教材开发实例,探讨了构建基于法律大类专业群的素质培养与职业发展教材的起因,说明以专业群为基础的专业素质培养与职业发展研究催生了教材的创新,提出了法律大类专业群基础上的专业素质培养与职业发展教材的开发要求。着重介绍了法律大类专业群的素质培养与职业发展教材的主要内容,从学业规划、职业规划、就业策略、创业引导等四个方面介绍了建立在法律大类专业群基础上的专业素质培养与职业发展教材的主要内容。最后总结了法律大类专业群的素质培养与职业发展教材开发与运用的启示,即教材更新要符合形势变化需要,师资力量是教材运用成功的关键,要加强与就业创业和专业课程的衔接。 On the basis of the professional quality cultivation and professional development textbook development of law major group, this paper discusses the reasons for constructing the quality cultivation and career development textbook based on the legal specialty group, and illustrates the professional quality training and career development based on professional group Gave birth to the innovation of teaching materials, and proposed the development of professional quality training and career development teaching materials based on the major legal professional groups. It mainly introduces the main contents of quality cultivation and career development teaching materials of major law specialty group, and introduces professional quality training based on four major categories of law major from four aspects: academic planning, career planning, employment strategy and entrepreneurial guidance And the main content of the textbook of career development. Finally, it summarizes the enlightenment of quality cultivation and development of professional development teaching materials in the major legal specialty groups. That is, the update of teaching materials should meet the needs of the changing situation. Teachers strength is the key to the success of teaching materials. It is necessary to strengthen the connection with employment creation and professional courses.
本文论述了电视栏目品牌建设并回顾了电视技术发展问题。 This article discusses the construction of television program brand and reviews the development of televis