当今世界流行这样一句话:不创新就灭亡。在世界经济进入知识经济时代的今天,对企业来说,创新是企业的灵魂,是企业的生命。谁能积极主动技术创新,牢牢掌握技术创新,将技术创新运用于企业生产经营的全过程,谁就意味着获取了打开市场之门的金钥匙。 确立创新理念,开启市场之门。企业实施技术创新,首先要确立技术创新的方向。如我们嘉纺集团在实施技术创新的过程中,确立了“高、少、好”的技术创新理念,我们将这一理念延伸为以“科技含量高、品种档次
Popular in today's world this sentence: do not innovate to perish. Today, as the world economy enters the era of knowledge economy, for the enterprise, innovation is the soul of the enterprise and the life of the enterprise. Who can take the initiative in technological innovation, firmly grasp the technological innovation, technological innovation applied to the whole process of production and operation of the enterprise, who means that access to the golden key to open the door to the market. Establish innovative ideas, open the door to the market. Enterprises to implement technological innovation, we must first establish the direction of technological innovation. For example, in the process of implementing technological innovation, we have established the concept of “high, less, good” technological innovation, and we extend this concept to "high technological content,