
来源 :生活教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:madeli
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班风是一个班级整体精神面貌的体现,是一个班级区别于其他班级的特质。它在班级绝大多数学生的言谈举止中得以自然流露,而非刻意为之。在班级管理中,注重树立班级中积极向上、乐于进取的学生为榜样,对于良好班风的形成具有重要意义。良好的班风犹如一只无形却有力的手,历经时间的考验,在潜移默化中将学生们凝聚在一起,自觉地遵守班级规章,履行班级义务,扮演好自己在班级中的角色。 Class wind is a manifestation of the overall mental outlook of a class, is a class different from the characteristics of other classes. It is naturally expressed in the manner in which most students in the class behave, not deliberately. In the class management, pay attention to setting a positive class in the class, enterprising students as an example, for the formation of good class is of great significance. Good class winds like an invisible but powerful hand, after the test of time, subtly in the students will be together, consciously abide by the class rules and regulations, perform class obligations, and play their role in the class.
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红景天(Rhodiola rosea)主产于东西伯利亚的严寒地区,北欧和阿拉斯加北部亦有分布。在俄罗斯用作滋补、抗抑郁和抗炎剂。曾从中分离出多种成分,其中苯丙素类如红景天任(rosa
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第 1期钛酸铝与氧化铝复合材料的制备及其性能研究李明忠 方 青 沈 强等 ( 1 )………………………………混纤纱法制备连续玻璃纤维增强聚丙烯复合材料梅启林 胡卫斌 黄
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五月的凤凰花,一团燃烧着的火焰。五月的鸟声最清脆,五月的蜜蜂最勤劳,五月的阳光——亚热带的阳光啊,最热烈! 象五月的鸟鸣一样清脆的是你们的笑声,你,爱笑的民族; 象五月