“Leaves Leaves Set” is a collection of songs written by ancient Japan and the Chinese, and also draws on the traditional essence of Chinese classical poetry. Among them, the author of “Poor Q & A Songs”, Shan Yi Yiliang, is rich in knowledge of Han and learned the identity of Tang Shao-lu, accompanied by Ambassador Amata Amano into the Tang Dynasty. In Chang’an, he came into contact with the most advanced Chinese culture and introduced it to Japan. The Poverty Answering Song narrates the tragic life of the poor at the bottom and is quite similar to Du Fu’s “military car dealership.” The two poems are probably all related to Wang Fanzhi’s poem of “Poor Farmhouse Han” in Dunhuang Manuscripts, that is, when Shan Yiliang came to Tang Dynasty and Du Fu settled in Chang’an period, they all came into contact with and influenced the popular Wang Fanzhi’s poems, The language has two poems with the same meaning.