《宁夏农学院学报》(1984年1期)赵一宇等撰文:要提高河北杨插条育苗成活率,必须严格掌握以下几个技术环节,如运用得当,育苗成活率可稳定在70%以上,最高可达91%。 1.严格选条,把好种条质量关。最好选用一年生无病虫危害和机械损伤的根蘖苗或插条苗做种条。这种种条生长发育健壮,所含营养物质丰富,木质化程度较高,其中尤以基部、中部插条为佳,成活率比梢部条高20%以上。 2.插条浸水6天后,再用防腐剂加生(?)剂浆液处理,有促进生根利于成活的显著作用。据试验,种条经0.05%多菌灵+5ppmNAA(萘乙酸)处理,插条成活率可达89%。
“Ningxia Agricultural College Journal” (1984 1) Zhao YiyuSuch as: In order to improve the survival rate of poplar seedlings in Hebei, we must strictly grasp the following aspects of technology, such as use properly, the survival rate of seedlings can be stabilized at 70% or more, the highest Up to 91%. 1. Strict selection of articles, a good kind of quality control. The best selection of annual pest-free insect damage and mechanical damage to the root tillers or cuttings do seed. This kind of growth and development of sturdy species, rich in nutrients, lignification of a higher degree, especially in the base, the middle of the cuttings is better, the survival rate of more than 20% above shoots. 2. After the cuttings are soaked in water for 6 days, the preservatives are added to the slurry (?) For treatment to promote the rooting and survival. According to the test, the seeds were treated with 0.05% carbendazim + 5ppm NAA (naphthalene acetic acid), and the survival rate of cuttings could reach 89%.