日本于1955年8月加入关贸总协定(WTO 前身),揭开了日本企业走出国门、参与世界市场竞争的序幕。此后日本企业励精图治,苦心经营,在国际市场上“攻城掠地”,取得了举世瞩目的骄人业绩。到1981年时,出口增长了75倍,相当于世界贸易同期增长的20余倍。而日本则于1986年超越西德,直逼美国,成为名副其实的世界第二经济强国。在国际市场风云变幻的21世纪,日本企业走出去的基本经验仍值得我们思考和借鉴。引进技术并进行革新以形成技术上的比较优势战后初期,日本的技术水平比欧美国家落后二三十年。但日
Japan joined the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (the predecessor of the WTO) in August 1955, opening the prelude to the Japanese companies going abroad and participating in world market competition. Since then, Japanese companies make great efforts to manage and painstakingly operate, and have “scorched the land” in the international market and have achieved impressive results with world-wide attention. By 1981, exports increased 75-fold, equivalent to more than 20 times the growth in world trade over the same period. Japan surpassed West Germany in 1986, almost equal to the United States, becoming the veritable second-largest economic power in the world. In the rapidly changing 21st century in the international market, the basic experience of Japanese companies going abroad is still worth our consideration and reference. The introduction of technology and innovation in order to create a comparative advantage in technology In the early postwar period, Japan's technological level was 20 to 30 years behind that of the United States and Europe. But day