急性感染性多发性神经炎(GBS)为临床常见病症,病因至今尚未完全清楚,一般认为与病毒感染和自身免疫有关。本病可引起心律失常。我们收治的76例病人中并发心律失常8例,其中3例并发严重室性心律失常,死亡2例,现报道如下。例1 患者,男,49岁。1990年4月14日淋雨后鼻塞,四肢肌肉疼痛,继之麻木无力,不能起床,于20日入院。体检:R26次/分,BP18/12kPa,HR96次/分,律齐,未闻病理杂音,两肺呼吸音清晰。右侧周围性面瘫,双上肢肌力0~0,双下肢肌力I~0,血钾4mmol/L。给予补钾、激素、维生素B治疗。4月21日患者有恐惧感、心悸、胸闷。检查两肺呼吸音清晰,HR120次/分,律乱。ECG:窦性心动过速,频发室早,阵发室速。给予利多卡因等治疗,
Acute infectious polyneuritis (GBS) is a common clinical disease, the etiology has not yet fully understood, is generally considered associated with viral infection and autoimmunity. The disease can cause arrhythmia. We admitted to 76 patients with arrhythmia in 8 cases, of which 3 cases complicated by severe ventricular arrhythmia, death in 2 cases are reported below. Example 1 patient, male, 49 years old. April 14, 1990 after the rain stuffy nose, limbs, muscle pain, followed by numbness, unable to get up, admitted to hospital on the 20th. Physical examination: R26 beats / min, BP18 / 12kPa, HR96 beats / min, law Qi, no pathological murmur, clear breath sounds of both lungs. Right facial paralysis, double upper limb muscle strength 0 ~ 0, lower limb muscle strength I ~ 0, potassium 4mmol / L. Give potassium, hormones, vitamin B treatment. April 21 patients have a sense of fear, heart palpitations, chest tightness. Check the two lungs breath sounds clear, HR120 beats / min, chaos. ECG: sinus tachycardia, frequent premature ventricular burst rate. Given lidocaine and other treatment,