产学研联盟对接 助推榆林产业升级

来源 :榆林科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoumingjiang123
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为把更多的科技成果和科技人才引入榆林,为推动榆林的科技进步和技术创新、促进产业结构优化和科技成果在榆转化。5月29日下午,榆林市科技局组织16所产学研合作联盟成员高校在榆林学院逸夫楼一楼报告厅举办科技成果推介对接会。榆林市委常委、副市长李春临出席并作重要讲话,榆林学院院长许静洪致欢迎辞,市科技局局长谢军主持对接会。大会集中推介了与西安交大、西北大学等16所高校征集到的适合在我市转化的61项科研成果,主 In order to bring more scientific and technological achievements and scientific and technological talents to Yulin, in order to promote technological progress and technological innovation in Yulin, industrial structure optimization and scientific and technological achievements should be promoted. On the afternoon of May 29, Yulin Science and Technology Bureau organized 16 universities and research cooperation alliance member colleges and universities to hold scientific and technological achievements matchmaking symposium in the Lecture Hall, Yifu Building, Yulin College. Li Chunlin, member of the Standing Committee of Yulin Municipal Party Committee and vice mayor, attended the speech and made an important speech. Xu Jinghong, dean of Yulin University delivered a welcome speech. Xie Jun, director of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, presided over the matchmaking meeting. The conference focused on 61 scientific research achievements that were collected from 16 universities including Xi’an Jiaotong University and Northwest University and were suitable for transformation in our city.
作文课上,我们经常可以看到这样的情景:有的学生双手握着笔,紧皱眉头:有的唉声叹气,草纸撕了一张又一张;有的忙着翻找作文选,东拼西凑 Composition class, we often can see
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一片乌云飘过来,遮住了太阳耀眼的、热辣辣的光芒。顷刻间,“哗”的声音响起,无数个雨点像珍珠。像粗粗的银线,洒落在田野上,池塘里,也洒落到圆圆的荷叶 A cloud drifted o
温州,鸥江之畔的一个小城,自古在“永嘉学派”务实创新精神的浸染下,手工业比较发达,素有“百工之乡”之称。 Wenzhou, a small town on the banks of the gull river, anci