从新中国成立至今 ,我国的法国史研究已经走过了半个多世纪的历程。在此期间 ,我国的法国史研究由最初起步晚、底子薄、基础差的状况 ,发展到今天已取得了令世人瞩目的成绩。建国 5 0年来 ,我国共出版了法国史的有关译作、著作 5 70多本 ,发表译文、论文 4 0 0 0多篇 ,并且形成
Since the founding of New China, the study of French history in our country has gone through more than half a century. During this period, the study of French history in our country has made remarkable achievements in the history of our country from the initial situation of late foundation, the weak foundation and the poor foundation. In the 50 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, a total of over 570 books have been published on French history, including more than 40,000 translations and over 40,000 articles on Chinese history