我科收治膀胱自发性破裂1例,报告如下。患者男,40岁。1987年2月19日晚酒醉后晕倒,夜间三时突感中上腹痛,次晨同时感下腹痛,平卧时加剧,立位时减轻,有急迫尿意,解少量血尿,导出50ml 血尿,留置导尿4小时,又导出100ml 血尿,于当日下午2时转来我院。查体:中上腹压痛、反跳痛,膀胱区空虚,直肠指诊触及正常之前列腺,腹腔穿刺无血性液体,膀胱内注入无菌盐水200ml,抽出约50ml 洗肉水样液。B 超:肠管充气明显,肾、胰、膀胱区未见明显异常。膀胱造影:膀胱顶部无造影剂充盈,部分造影剂渗入腹腔。当晚八时手术,见膀胱顶部和腹膜反折处有一长约5cm 裂口,腹腔内吸出
I received a spontaneous rupture of the bladder in 1 case, the report is as follows. Male patient, 40 years old. February 19, 1987 night drunk after fainting, night at 3:00 sudden sense of upper abdominal pain, the next morning at the same time feeling abdominal pain, increased supine when standing position, there is an urgent urinary intention, solution of small hematuria, the export of 50ml hematuria , Indwelling catheterization 4 hours, and export 100ml hematuria, transferred to our hospital at 2 pm the same day. Examination: abdominal tenderness, rebound tenderness, empty bladder area, rectal referral touch normal prostate, abdominal puncture non-bloody liquid, sterile saline into the bladder 200ml, out of about 50ml wash water samples. B super: Obvious intestinal bowel, kidney, pancreas, bladder area no obvious abnormalities. Bladder contrast: No top of the bladder contrast agent filling, some contrast agent into the abdominal cavity. Eight o’clock surgery that evening, see the top of the bladder and peritoneal fold at a length of about 5cm gap, intra-abdominal suction