A Laser Imaging-LDV Coupling Measurement of Single Bubble Forming and Rising in Shear-thinning Fluid

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:youlan26
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The shape evolution of bubble formed in carboxymethylcellulose(CMC) aqueous solution was real-time observed using laser image technique. The flow fields of liquid around growing and rising bubble were measured by laser Doppler velocimetry(LDV), and the liquid mean velocity and its contour curves were obtained. The results show that bubble grows as spherical shape because of the dominant role of surface tension in the early period, and then is stretched gradually as a teardrop shape due to the common effect of buoyancy and shear-thinning of fluid. The axial mean velocity of liquid phase takes on Gaussian distribution with the symmetrical axis passing through orifice center. However, the radial mean velocity increases first and then decreases with the increase of the distance from measured point to the symmetrical axis above. Further, the axial component along symmetrical axis decreases initially and increases with the rise of height, as well as its corresponding contour map diverging gradually. The radial component, yet, decreases steadily with the rise of height, and the maximum value deviates towards the two sides until disappear, as it contour shape of butterfly’s “front wing”. The shape evolution of bubble formed in carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) aqueous solution was real-time observed using laser image technique. The flow fields of liquid around growing and rising bubble were measured by laser Doppler velocimetry (LDV), and the liquid mean velocity and its The results show that bubble grows as spherical shape because of the dominant role of surface tension in the early period, and then is stretched gradually as a teardrop shape due to the common effect of buoyancy and shear-thinning of fluid. The axial mean velocity of liquid phase takes on Gaussian distribution with the symmetrical axis passing through the orifice center. However, the radial mean velocity increases first and then decreases with the increase of the distance from measured point to the symmetrical axis. component along symmetrical axis decreases initially and increases with the rise of height, as well as its corresponding contour map diverging gr adually. The radial component, yet, leaving steadily with the rise of height, and the maximum value deviates towards the two sides until disappear, as it contour shape of butterfly’s “front wing”.
“非熊”源流  《六韬》《史记》有周文王占卜“非龙非彲,非虎非罴”,兆得公侯,获霸王之辅的记载。这段记载被广泛引用。从唐代开始,因为避李虎名讳,所以把“非虎”引作“非熊”。吕望“非熊”从唐代至明清相沿成习1000多年。王莉《馆藏“文王访贤”象牙牌鉴赏》认为:“明代小说、野史流行,将‘非熊’演绎成‘飞熊’,其魔幻之意更浓。”(《陕西历史博物馆馆刊》第20辑,三秦出版社,2013年)  一、洪迈之见 
【摘要】:个性化作文则是指具有写作主体鲜明个性特征的学生习作。学生作文力求别具一格,切不可千文一面,我们要给学生充分的写作自由和广阔的想象空间,让学生用自己独特的语言表露独特的感受和心声,以抒写有个性的作文。  【关键词】:个性化作文;中学生;真实;创新  {中图分类号}G633.3  现在的中学生,说起作文没有几个头不痛的,也没有几个学生能够写出展示个性的作文来,语文教师深感棘手。每次作文之前,
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