有谁能想象得出,如果在几个月前的奥运会开幕式上,当拉费尔·约翰逊高高举起火把去点燃纪念体育场的圣火,而圣火却迟迟不见升腾起来的时候,将会出现怎样的情形? 千真万确,如果约翰逊再早一点把火把伸向五环通火道的点火口,就会出现这样的,难以想见的场景。当约翰逊手持火把跑上阶梯的时候,一名大会工作人员突然发现圣火火炬里有一些奇怪的金属导线。这位警惕性颇高的工作人员怀疑那是恐怖分子放置的炸弹,一面向大会的指挥者汇报,一面关闭了火炬燃料进口。多亏一名在行的电工及时赶到,说明那不过是一些必要的电线才没有
Can anyone imagine that if at a few months ago at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games when Rafael Johnson lifted the torch to light the flame of the stadium and the torch was still rising, What happens? True enough, if Johnson and then a little bit torch extension to the ring of Fire Ring Road, there will be such an unimaginable scene. As Johnson held the torch up the ladder, a conference staff member suddenly found strange metal wires in the Torch. The vigilant staff suspected it was a bomb placed by terrorists, while reporting to the General Assembly’s commanders the one hand, the closure of the torch fuel imports. Thanks to an electrician in time arrived in time, that it is only some of the necessary wires did not