The pilot test of Pt-Pd and Pt-Rh feeds extracted and separated with a new sulfoxide extractant

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Platinum, palladium and rhodium of the raw feeds extracted and separated with a new sulfoxide extractant (MSO) were studied in the paper. The pilot test results showed that the percentage extractions are more than 99% for platinum and palladium in Pt-Pd feed, and the percentage strippings are 100% and 99.2% with HCl and ammonia, respectively. The ratio of palladium to platinum is 0.0016 in stripping platinum solution, and the ratio of platinum to palladium is 0.0020 in strip- ping palladium solution. The percentage extraction of platinum is 99% in Pt-Rh feed, and the percentage stripping is 100%. The ratio of rhodium to platinum is 0.0002 in stripping platinum solution. Therefore, platinum, palladium, and rhodium feeds are separated effectively with MSO. Platinum, palladium and rhodium of the raw feeds extracted and separated with a new sulfoxide extractant (MSO) were studied in the paper. The pilot test results showed that the percentage extractions are more than 99% for platinum and palladium in Pt-Pd feed, and the percentage strippings are 100% and 99.2% with HCl and ammonia, respectively. The ratio of palladium to platinum is 0.0016 in stripping platinum solution, and the ratio of platinum to palladium is 0.0020 in strip-ping palladium solution. The percentage extraction of Platinum is 99% in Pt-Rh feed, and the percentage stripping is 100%. The ratio of rhodium to platinum is 0.0002 in stripping platinum solution. Thus, platinum, palladium, and rhodium feeds are effectively effectively with MSO.
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