针对煤矿井下巷道排水系统远程监控不够完善,上位机发生故障期间数据易丢失的问题,提出了一种基于King View6.55的矿井巷道排水上位机监控系统设计方案。采用分层设计理念,着重考虑监控、数据、连接三方面问题,实现了水情数据实时采集、远程监控水泵启停、水位越线弹窗报警、实时数据图表显示和历史数据查询。重点研究了双机热备冗余系统的建立与实现,增强了上位机监控系统自身可靠性与数据完整性。
Aiming at the problem that the remote monitoring of mine roadway drainage system is not perfect and the data is easy to lose during the fault of upper computer, a design scheme of mine roadway monitoring system based on King View6.55 is proposed. Adopting the concept of layered design, we focus on three aspects of monitoring, data and connection, realizing the real-time acquisition of hydrological data, remote start and stop of water pump, alarming of water level across pop-up window, real-time data chart display and historical data inquiry. Focus on the establishment of dual redundant hot standby system and implementation to enhance the host computer monitoring system reliability and data integrity.