忻口会战忻口右托五台山.左倚云中山.地势险要.是晋北通向太原的门户。1937年10月1 日,日军统帅部命令板垣征四郎率第5师团和察哈尔派遣兵团进攻太原。同一天,国民政府军事委员会下令调第14集团军至忻口与日军会战。阎锡山部署第14集团军及配属部队共8个军为中央集团军.由卫立煌指挥.在忻口正面组织防御;第18集团军(欠第120师) 及第101、第73师,新2师为右集团军.由朱德指挥.在滹沱河南岸罗(?)沟.峨口占领阵地.并以一部挺进敌后.威胁日军左翼:第6 集团军2个师1个旅及第120师为左集团军, 由杨爱源指挥.在黑峪、阳方口占领阵地.并以一部挺进敌后.威胁日军右翼;第34、第35军为预备集团军.由傅作义指挥,控制于定襄、忻县地区。10月2日,日军察哈尔派遣兵团混成第2旅团从代县崞县(今崞阳镇) 进攻.第19军坚守一周,9日崞县陷落:混成第14旅团4日饶过崞县进攻原平.第34军第196旅旅长姜玉贞率官兵与敌肉搏.伤亡殆尽.日军12日攻占原平.进逼忻口。
Xin mouth battle Xin mouth right care Wutaishan. Left to rely on cloud Zhongshan. Difficult terrain. Is the gateway to Taiyuan in northern Shanxi. October 1, 1937, the Japanese army commander ordered Itagaki Shiro rate of 5 division and Chahar sent corps attack Taiyuan. On the same day, the Military Commission of the National Government ordered the transfer of the 14th Army to Xinkou to fight the Japanese troops. Yan Xishan deployment of the 14th Army and its subordinate forces a total of 8 army for the Central Army. Directed by Wei Lihuang. Xinkou positive defense; 18th Army (owed 120th Division) and 101st, 73rd Division, a new division 2 For the right army. Under the command of Zhu De. In the south bank of Tolo River (.) Ditch. Ekou occupy the position .And to advance into the enemy rear. Threat to the Japanese left: 6th Army 2 division 1 brigade and the 120th division for the left army , Under the command of Yang Aiyuan, occupying positions in Heiyu and Yangfangkou, threatening the Japanese right wing with one enemy, and the 34th and 35th Corps as reserve army forces under the command of Fu Zuoyi and controlling the areas of Dingxiang and Xinxian. On October 2, the Japanese Chahar sent corps mixed into the 2nd Brigade from Dai County County (now Suiyang town) attack .19 army held to a week on the 9th Lixian fall: Mixed into the 14th Brigade on the 4th Rao Guo Juxian attack the original level of the 34th Army 196th Brigadier Commander Jiang Yuzhen rate officers and enemies fighting melee .Japanese on the 12th to capture the original level into the Xin mouth.