
来源 :中华血液学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asdfghjke
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Objective To investigate whether adenovirus mediated IL 2 gene modification can improve antitumor immunity of the tumor antigen pulsed dendritic cells(DC) in vivo. Methods DC were generated from bone marrow, then, pulsed with FBL 3 erythroleukemia cell lysates and transfected with IL 2 gene simultaneously. IL 2 secretion and T cell stimulating activity of the DC were detected. The number and cell subsets of draining lymph nodes, cytotoxic lymphocyte(CTL) activity ,and the increase of protective effect for the mice s.c vaccinated with DC were observed. Results IL 2 gene modified, antigen pulsed DC could secrete high level of IL 2 in vitro, stimulate proliferation of syngeneic T cells markedly. DC vaccine could increase the number of draining lymph node and induce CTL activity, which directed to FBL 3, more significantly. After the DC vaccination, the survival time of the mice challenged with wild type FBL 3 cells were prolonged. Conclusion Antitumor immune response could be induced more potently by vaccination with IL 2 gene modified, antigen pulsed DC. Objective To investigate whether adenovirus mediated IL 2 gene modification can improve antitumor immunity of the tumor antigen pulsed dendritic cells (DC) in vivo. Methods DC were generated from bone marrow, then, pulsed with FBL 3 erythroleukemia cell lysates and transfected with IL 2 gene At the same time, IL 2 secretion and T cell stimulating activity of the DC were detected. The number and cell subsets of draining lymph nodes, cytotoxic lymphocyte (CTL) activity, and the increase of protective effect for the mice sc vaccinated with DC were observed. The DC vaccine raised the number of draining lymph node and induce CTL activity, which directed to FBL 3, more significantly. After the DC vaccination, the survival time of the mice challenged with wild type FBL 3 cells were prolonged. Conclusion Antitumor immune response c Ould be induced more potently by vaccination with IL 2 gene modified, antigen pulsed DC.
6月10日 晴  童年是什么?  童年是花朵上的一滴滴露珠,  晶瑩剔透,  折射出童年的天真无邪;  童年是什么?  童年是一幅画,  色彩鲜艳,  画出童年的蓝天大地;  童年是什么?  童年是一本日记,  真实记录,  童年生活的苦辣酸甜;  童年,你别走,  我还想再放一次风筝,  让缤纷的梦想飞上天空;  我还想再捉一次蝴蝶,  让欢声笑语回荡在记忆里。  吉林省伊通县清泉作文学校六年级
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8月28日 晴  上三年级时,我家发生了一件新鲜事。  周末,我从舞蹈班回到家里,发现餐桌上有一张纸条,走近了一看,吓了一大跳,原来是妈妈的“辞职信”。妈妈现在的工作不是挺好的嘛,她为什么要辞职呢?我带着疑问继续看下去:“……因为钰涵同学太挑剔,本人绞尽脑汁也做不出能使他满意的饭菜,所以辞去家庭厨师的职务。”  我看完后才明白,原来是妈妈要辞去家庭厨师的职务。唉,那以后谁给我做饭吃呀?我很着急,不
8月5日 晴  周末早上,我和媽妈一起去菜市场买菜。来到菜市场,买菜的人可真多呀,几乎每个卖菜摊前都站满了人。我和妈妈来到一位老奶奶的青菜摊前,听见老奶奶边卖菜边介绍说她卖的青菜是自家种的,没打农药,并且是早上刚从地里拔的,可新鲜了!的确,老奶奶面前的青菜又嫩又绿,妈妈也说:“多好的菜。咱们也买些吧。”老奶奶微笑着递给妈妈一个袋子,说:“你们自己挑选吧,要多少拿多少。”  当我们挑选青菜的时候,一
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1 引言倍受国内外关注的北京奥林匹克公园和五棵松文化体育中心两个奥运会场馆集中用地的概念性规划设计方案国际公开征集活动已经落下帷幕。这次征集活动得到了境内外规划
本文在讨论BPR的基本思想和MRPⅡ基本原理的基础上,提出了用BPR思想重构MRPⅡ环境并建立相应组织形式的方法。 On the basis of discussing the basic idea of ​​BPR and t