当赵紫阳在北戴河会见日本共同社社长酒井新二,宣布“现在中国已经进入全面改革的攻坚阶段”时,我国第二大钢铁联合企业武汉钢铁公司,早已在两种体制交替、摩擦的困扰中左冲右突,倍尝攻坚闯关的艰辛了。 冲入市场经济的海洋 随着计划经济向市场经济转化、产品经济向商品经济转化进程的加快,国家对武钢原材料供应的指令性计划逐年减少。而且,在市场经济的冲击下,即使国家计划内的原材料也难以确保。同时,国家下达给武钢的钢材生产指令性计划却逐年增加。昔日国家的
When Zhao Ziyang met with President of Japan’s Kyodo News Agency Sakai No. 2 in Beidaihe and declared that “China is now in a critical stage of comprehensive reform”, Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., the second largest steel company in China, has long been plagued by two systems. The center left and right suddenly burst out and attacked the hardships. The ocean that rushed into the market economy With the acceleration of the transition from the planned economy to the market economy and the transition from the product economy to the commodity economy, the state’s mandatory plan for the supply of raw materials for WISCO has been decreasing year by year. Moreover, under the impact of the market economy, even if the national plan of raw materials is difficult to ensure. At the same time, the national steel production directive plan for Wuhan Iron and Steel has been increasing year by year. Former countries