虽然不是铁杆玩家,但我自始至终都有一颗娱乐的心;而对于各个领域的玩家们(包括我自己)而言,经典产品的受宠程度无论何时总是高居榜首:玩鞋的钟爱上世纪八九十年代的老Air Jordan,玩Zippo的追捧1941二战纪念款,玩琴的则热衷于各类Reissue或Antique的型号。由于原版产品往往年久失传,为了迎合消费者的口味,厂商总是不失时机的推出经典产品的复刻款,这些产品往往会继承原版产品的大部分特性,同时也会加入更多基于最新科技的全新点子。有人认为这会让经典变质,但我却认为经典并不等同于墨守陈规或顽固不化,进步才是让经典延续的正确手段。本月,《个人电脑》接收到来自华硕的玩家国度主板Rampage III Extreme,正是一款延续经典同时又极富创新精神的产品。
Although not a hardcore player, I have an entertaining heart all the time; for the players in all fields, including myself, the popularity of classic products always tops the list. Old 1990’s Air Jordan, Zippo play in pursuit of 1941 World War II Memorial, playing the piano are keen on all types of Reissue or Antique models. As the original products are often lost, in order to meet the tastes of consumers, manufacturers are always seized the opportunity to launch the classic carvings, these products tend to inherit most of the original product features, but also will add more based on the latest technology New ideas. Some people think that this will make the classic metamorphic, but I think the classic is not the same as stubbornness or stubbornness, progress is the right means to extend the classic. This month, PC received the Rampage III Extreme from Asustek’s Players Country Board, which is a continuation of the classic and very innovative products.