In this paper, the development of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) in the application of altitude measurement is reviewed. The method to improve the structure of Michelson interferometer and some major experiments are also described emphatically. The United States Air Force Geophysical Laboratory (AFGL) and the Jewish State University (USU) have used liquid nitrogen cooled modulation disk to modulate atmospheric radiation, the entrance of the collimator to pass through the air window out of the way to eliminate the impact of the DC background. Rex uses a piezoelectric alignment and parallelogram suspension method to produce a lightweight, serializable Michelson interferometer. The drive system of the moving mirror uses a linear variable differential-shift-sensitive device as the feedback control servo. Mertz uses a wedge prism instead of an interferometer mirror to obtain a wide field of view interferometer. Stair et al first used the cooling technique to completely cool the rocket-carrying interferometer and made a liquid helium-cooled infrared interference spectrometer. Huppi et al. Use a combination of focal plane detectors to improve the method