【迷信】信仰神仙鬼怪等。泛指盲目的信仰崇拜:破除~,解放思想。 以上是《现代汉语词典》对“迷信”这个词语的解释和举例。 人类从漫漫历史长河中一路走来,各种迷信的思想、迷信的行为的滋生从来没有停止过。在信息科技横扫这个世界的今天,我们依然被形形色色的各种高科技迷信传说所包围,并且不少人对这些迷信的言论深信不疑、奉为信条。究其原因,原罪当数IT 产品和技术实在复杂多变,我们“老百姓”确实难以跟得上形势的变化。于是,终于难逃“由无知到愚昧”这个迷信生成的标准过程的笼罩,让或扭曲的、或过时的、或无中生有的各种传说所蒙蔽,并以讹传讹…… 今天,是该正本清源、迷途知返的时候了!让我们一起来一个个击破那些煞有介事、别有用心的谬论吧……
[Superstition] Faith gods and other ghosts. Refers to the worship of blind faith: break ~, emancipate the mind. The above is the “Modern Chinese Dictionary” on the “superstition” to explain the word and example. Humans have been walking all the way from long river of history. The breeding of superstitious ideas and superstitious acts has never ceased. Today, as information technology swept the world, we are still surrounded by all kinds of high-tech superstitions and rumors. Many people believe in these superstitious beliefs and believe in them. The reason, the original sin when the number of IT products and technology is really complicated and changeable, we “people” really difficult to keep up with changes in the situation. And finally, it is hard to escape from the standard process of superstition “from ignorance to ignorance,” blinded by distorted or outdated, or out of date, various rumors and erroneously circulated ... Today is the source of the original source, It’s time to return! Let’s work together one by one to break the fallacious and ulterior motives.