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转变观念,改革单一的培养模式,探索“音乐、美术主辅修,多能一专复合型艺术教育人才培养”等多元化培养模式,是高师艺术教育专业深化改革、推进发展的新机遇。学生学习观念和构建自己新的知识、能力结构要求的巨大变化,引起我们深刻反思,深深感到在教育观、质量观、课程观等等教育教学理念以及教改深化和改革步伐等方面,远远落后于学生和社会需求。教育教学观念能否真正彻底转变,仍然是“音乐、美术主辅修,多能一步复合型艺术教育人才培养”模式实验课题成败和收效大小的关键。因此,在提高音乐、美术专业学生全面素质的同时,进行培养模式的“整合”,使高师艺术教育专业系科成为具有宽口径、多接口输出特性的艺术教育人才培养母机,与基础教育和社会人才市场需求紧密接轨,成为当前艺术教育专业教学改革深化的重要课题。 It is a new opportunity to deepen the reform and promote the development of the major of arts education in normal universities by changing the concept, reforming the single mode of cultivation, and exploring the diversified training mode of “music and art master and minor, art and education of multi-skill and one-type compound art education”. Students learn the concept and build their own new knowledge, ability to change the huge structural requirements, arouse our deep reflection, deeply felt in the education concept, quality concept, the concept of curriculum and other education and teaching philosophy as well as the deepening of education reform and the pace of reform and so far Behind students and social needs. Whether the concept of education and teaching can truly and completely change is still the key to the success or failure of experimental subjects in the mode of “cultivating music and art masters and multi-step composite art education personnel”. Therefore, while improving the comprehensive quality of music and art students, the “integration” of training modes has made art education department of normal universities become a master of arts education talents with broad caliber and multi-interface output characteristics, which is closely linked with basic education and society Talent market closely meet the needs of the current art education has become an important issue of deepening the reform of education.
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