笔者近日从某报获知,到湖南省株洲市第一人民医院看病的病人,可以根据自己的需要挑选医生! 让病人选择医生,在医生当中引发的反应尤如一场地震。过去旧的模式是病人围着医生转,新的服务模式是医生围着病人转,病 人真正地成了医护人员的“衣食父母”,医生们都有同一个目标:一定要靠自己的医疗服务留住病人。口腔科的刘大夫的话十分具有代表性:“病人也许是偶然选择了我,但如果我有精湛的技术和优质的服务,病人就不会‘跳槽’。”从被动服务到主动服务的调整和转变,改革使医生的思想观念发生了很大转变。医生从过去的“让我干”变成“我要干”,一种全新的服务思维已经成为医务人员的自觉行为。
The author recently learned from a newspaper that the patient who visited the First People’s Hospital of Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province, could select a doctor according to his own needs. The patient’s response to the doctor’s selection was like an earthquake. The old model used to be the patient’s turn around the doctor. The new service model was that the doctor turned around the patient. The patient really became the “food and clothing parent” of the medical staff. The doctors all had the same goal: they must rely on their own medical services. Retain patients. Dr. Liu from the Department of Stomatology is very representative: “The patient may have chosen me by accident, but if I have superb skills and high-quality services, the patient will not “jump”.” From the adjustment of passive services to active services and In the transformation, reforms have transformed doctors’ ideas. Doctors have changed from “let me do it” to “I want to do it.” A new kind of service thinking has become the conscious behavior of medical personnel.