English underachievers’ psychology and the right strategy

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  Abstract:Even a poor student, are eager to get good grades. Teachers should be able to treat all the students equally, and teach according to the students’ abilities. Be patient enough to help poor students remove negative psychology. As English teachers, we must not only change the English underachievers’ psychology, but also focus on practical abilities. This group of the students will be able to change the attitude and the teachers will achieve the purpose of improving the quality of English teaching.
  Keywords: English underachievers, negative psychology, tactics
  With the rapid development and progress of society, English is becoming more and more important. Therefore, English is placed as an important basic subject in the middle school. However, the number of students who can’t learn English well goes up with the increase of the complexity of teaching contents. But as teachers, we all look forward to seeing the good results of their study. And I believe that even a poor student, eager to get good grades. How to improve the achievement of these students with poor English? This requires the English teachers continue to study and explore the psychological hardship and adopt appropriate strategies. It is very necessary to instruct them in learning methods and help them out of the difficulty.
  First, pay attention to the psychological analysis of the English underachievers. After teaching several classes of Senior 1 students, I have found some weak points of the students, which seriously affected their English learning.
  1. The different intelligence. In the same class with the same teacher, the grades that the students get are not the same. Some are diligent, while some are lazy. Some learn something quickly, while some learn something slowly. More, the poor students probably think they will never be a top student, then they give up learning English at the very beginning.
  2. Anxiety. Anxiety is one kind of mental problems. Because of all different kinds of stress in real life, students will have more or less anxiety syndromes. To students, the problem may be the homework, the tests and teachers’ and parents’ hot expectation. Nowadays, the students in the third grade in the primary school begin to learn English. After entering junior high school, they have some foundation in English. Most of them have a strong curiosity and a keen interest. But with the deepening of the knowledge structure, soon students show the differences in reception, thinking and reaction. After seeing other students with outstanding results, the students with poor grades will have a sense of loss. In addition to the heavy load of homework and pressure from various quarters, they estimate they will fail to achieve their aims. Their self-confidence and self-esteem are frustrated. These lead to their offensive psychology of learning English.   3. Impatience. With the deepening of the knowledge structure, some of the students may think English is less interesting than before. They feel more and more tired and less and less impatient. Such students want results eagerly. They impulse easily without cautious. They are careless rather than practical. A little of every thing is nothing in the main. After a little success, they are full of complacency. After a little frustration, they are full of dysphoria.
  According to the above performance of underachievers, how to improve the learning of English and how to cultivate interest in learning English? We must pay attention to eliminating the underachievers’ negative psychology.
  Second, how to eliminate English underachievers’ negative psychology
  1. Strengthen emotional communication between teachers and students. Emotion is people’s different attitudes and difference to different things in the real world. Emotion is one of the important factors to influence learners’ learning behavior and results. While teaching and learning, teachers and students are in the same teaching situation. The results will depend on whether the relationship is harmonious or not.
  2. Foster interest in learning and strengthen their motivation to learn. Einstein says ‘Interest is the best teacher.’ Something really valuable isn’t from the sense of responsibility, but from the person’s enthusiasm. Interest inspires people to seek knowledge. Teachers need to encourage and train poor students learning English. In teaching methods, the multi-intensive training, and give more opportunities for poor students in the practice. The more independence and creativity the underachievers have, the greater interest they will have.
  3. To create a harmonious and lively classroom atmosphere. Teachers should create the comfortable atmosphere with a general mutual respect and the spirit of equality. In class, teachers needn’t stress the dignity of the teaching profession. They need to use the humorous language, easygoing body language and effectual guidance to make the class vivid and active. Students in harmony, relax state can think better. Brain cells are very active in the state. The state can wake the creativity. For underachievers, the pressure and tension obstruct the intelligence. So relaxing body and mind can get good learning effects.
  The conversion of underachievers in learning English, is an arduous and painstaking job. As English teachers, we must not only change the English underachievers’ psychology, but also focus on practical abilities. I think English teachers should be concerned about underachievers in learning English. It is necessary to mobilize them to study. They eliminate the negative psychology in study, so that everyone can be enhanced and developed.
  1. Vernon J. Nordby & Calvin S. Hall A Guide to psychologists and Their Concept
  2. China Daily Teaching method holds key in Chinese learning
  3. 格里格,津巴多 著 psychology and life
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