细辛为马兜铃科植物北细辛(Asarum heter-otro poides Fr.var.mandshuricum(Maxi-m.)Kitag.)汉城细辛(A.sieboldii Miq.v-ar.seoulense Nakai)或华细辛(A.sieboldi-i Miq.)的干燥全草。有祛风散寒、通窍止痛、温肺化饮的功能,用于风寒感冒、头痛、牙痛、鼻渊、风湿痹痛、痰饮喘咳。近年来在我省部分地区发现由外省调进一批盆草细辛(A.himalaicumHook.f.et Thoms),经查该品药典未收载,属于地方习用药材,我省不使用。为了严把药材质量关,确保甩药安全有效,对盆草细辛从性状、镜检、薄层层析与辽细辛(北细辛)做了对比实验,现报告如下。
Asarum is an Aristoloum heter-otro poides Fr. var. mandshuricum (Maxi-m.) Kitag. A. sieboldii Miq. v-ar. seoulense Nakai or Huashi. A.sieboldi-i Miq.’s dry whole plant. There are cold wind, cold, Tongqiaozhitong, Wenfeihuayin the function for wind cold, headache, toothache, snout, rheumatism, phlegm cough. In recent years, it has been discovered in some areas of our province that a group of A. himalaicum Hook.f.et Thoms has been transferred from other provinces. The drug was not included in the Pharmacopoeia of the product and belongs to local traditional medicinal materials. It is not used in our province. In order to strictly control the quality of medicinal materials and ensure safe and effective drug rejection, a comparative experiment was conducted on the characteristics of the pots and herbs, microscopic examination, thin layer chromatography and L. arjuna (northern asarum). The report is as follows.