介绍了自1993年以来解放军第266医院开展对临床医师规范化培训管理的做法:从管理的角度,实现标准 “三统一”;考核“三结合”;监控“三挂勾”;结果“三兑现”;导向“三强调”的管理模式。从效果上体现以下优点:1.落实了规范化培训的内容,达到“五统一”;2.培训了一专多能的 临床医学人才;3.真正达到理论与实践的有机结合;4.形成相互竞争的氛围;5.有利于人才选拔的公平合理化。
Introduced the practice of the 266th Hospital of the People’s Liberation Army to carry out standardized management training for clinicians since 1993: from the management point of view, to achieve the standard of “three unifications”; to assess “three combinations”; to monitor “three hooks”; to result in “three cashings” ; Guided by the “three emphasis” management model. The following advantages are manifested in the effect: 1. The content of standardized training is implemented to achieve “Five Unifications”; 2. A multi-talented clinical medical talent is trained; 3. The organic combination of theory and practice is truly achieved; The atmosphere of competition; 5. It is conducive to the fairness and rationalization of talent selection.