一 从尧都平阳盆地西行,山路弯弯,远看像一条土黄色的腰带,缠绕在群山之间。 爬上海拔1500米的山巅,气温骤变,沟壑里云雾缭绕,还有终年不消的积雪。再翻越长满梢林的分水岭,沿昕水河往西,便有一座不大的山城横在前面,这便是地处吕梁山麓的蒲县城。 从县城再往东走35华里,可看见错落点缀在大山脚下的农家小院。挂在院墙上金黄的玉茭穗和鲜红的辣椒串,便都映入眼帘。村庄紧傍大路,村口有一座小庙叫龙王庙,后墙上写着三个字——西坡村,这里,便是我的家乡。
One from the west of Pingyao basin in Yaodu, mountain bend, from afar like a khaki belt, wrapped around the mountains. Climb the summit of 1,500 meters above sea level, sudden temperature changes, gully cloud-filled, as well as the snow that does not disappear throughout the year. Then turn over the watershed watershed long shoots Lin, Xin River along the west, there is a small mountain in front of Hengshan, which is located in the foothills of Luliang Puxian City. 35 miles away from the county and then go east, we can see the patchwork of farmhouses at the foot of the mountain. Hanging in the hospital wall golden jade spike and red pepper string, they are greeted. Close to the village close to the road, there is a small temple called Longwang Temple, the back wall is written in three words - West slope village, here, is my hometown.