
来源 :财会月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lpdshr
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邓颖超老人走了。她走得那样安祥,那样从容,那样坦然。时代的风雨洗涤她八十八度春秋,历史的镜子映显出她光辉的一生。为中华民族之崛起,她义无反顾,投身于激流之中,奋力拼搏,绘出了人生慷慨的画卷。她呕心沥血,鞠躬尽瘁,为人民立下丰功伟绩,她无私的品格,高尚的情操,赢得了全国乃至全世界人民的赞誉、尊敬、爱戴。她不愧为一代人杰。如今她走了,怀着对人民的一往情深的眷恋走了。别离之际,她对党和人民的遗言是那样感人肺腑:工作、职务乃至住房是人民给的,应交还人民。朴实而深情的语言,字字闪耀着大公无私的光辉。她官高位显,却一尘 Deng Yingchao old man gone. She went so safe, so calm, so calm. The age of the storm washed her eighty-eight degrees, the mirror of history reflects her brilliant life. For the rise of the Chinese nation, she turned a blind eye to the torrent and worked hard to draw a picture of her life generously. She worked painstakingly and spared no efforts in her endeavor to establish great achievements for the people. Her selfless character and noble sentiments have earned her praise, respect and love from all over the country and the world. She deserves to be a generation. Now she is gone, with a passionate attachment to the people. When she was separated, her last words about the party and the people were so touching: work, office and housing were provided by the people and should be returned to the people. Simple and affectionate language, the word shines with a magnanimous selflessness. Her official high significant, but a dust
久存蔬菜新鲜的青菜,买来存在家里不吃,便会慢慢损失其中的维生素,如菠菜在20℃时,维生素 C 损失达84%。若要保存蔬菜,应在避光、通风、干燥的地方贮存。丢弃含维生素最丰富