招商引资材料是在发展外向型经济活动中形成的,是反映经济、社会发展最真实、最有说服力的依据。随着我国加入 WTO 和世界经济一体化趋势的加快,经贸活动将更加频繁,招商引资材料将大量形成,利用频率也将进一步提高。所以,做好招商引资材料归档管理,充分利用招商引资信息为经济发展服务,已成为档案工作的重要课题。一、招商引资材料归档管理的必要性
Capital attraction materials are formed in the development of export-oriented economic activities and reflect the most realistic and persuasive basis for economic and social development. With China’s accession to the WTO and the accelerating trend of world economic integration, economic and trade activities will be more frequent, capital attraction materials will be formed in a large amount, and the utilization frequency will also be further raised. Therefore, to do a good job of filing investment management materials, make full use of investment information for economic development services, archives has become an important issue. First, the introduction of investment materials archiving the need for management