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郴州市郊龙门池村,近几年来,每到学校放暑假,都要拿出一笔钱来,让教师外出旅游.村里20多名教师都到过北京、广州,还有部分到了上海、苏州、杭州等地.汝城县集龙乡,教师上县开会,外地教师回家探亲,乡里都是用小车送.永兴县的罗家、高仓、中合等村都给每个教师制了呢子衣,中合村制的还是长呢大衣.……在采访中,一路上我们听到许多这样的新鲜事.实行“四级办学,三级管理”的体制后,各级党政领导不仅关心学饺的建设,更关心学校的教育质量.他们懂得,要办好教育,光有经费还不行,还要有好的教师.要为提高教师地位,改善教师的工作条件和生活待遇,扎扎实实办几件事.在这方面,地委、行署领导带了好头.近些年,郴州地区发 In Longmenchi Village, Jiaozhou’s outskirts, in the past few years, each school has spent a summer vacation and has to spend a sum of money to allow teachers to travel. More than 20 teachers in the village have visited Beijing and Guangzhou, and some have arrived in Shanghai, Suzhou, and Hangzhou. In other places, Jilong County, Luan County, the teachers meet in the county, and the teachers from other places go home to visit relatives. The townships are sent by trolleys. The Luojia, Gaocang and Zhonghe villages in Yongxing County were all given to each teacher. The sub-clothes, the Zhonghecun system is a long coat....... In the interview, we heard a lot of such new things along the way. After implementing the system of “four levels of running schools and three levels of management,” the party and government at all levels Leaders not only care about the construction of dumplings, but also care about the quality of education in schools. They understand that if they want to do a good job of education, they will not be able to get enough funds, but they must also have good teachers. They must improve the status of teachers and improve their working conditions and living conditions. We have done a few things in a down-to-earth manner. In this regard, the leaders of the prefectural committees and administrative offices have taken a good lead. In recent years, the areas in the Chuzhou region have made
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