根据湘血地办[1998]第8号“关于开展非血吸虫病流行区钉螺调查”的文件精神, 1998年 3~4月、我们先后2次对株洲市城区进行了调查,现将调查结果报告如下。1内容与方法1.1螺情调查按水系对城区内钉螺有可能孳生的地方采取环境抽样方法设框(每框0.11m
According to the spirit of the document [1998] No. 8 “on the non-schistosomiasis endemic snail investigation” document, from March to April 1998, we have two times in Zhuzhou City were investigated, the findings will now report as follows. 1 content and methods 1.1 snail investigation by water on the urban snail may breeding places to adopt environmental sampling method set frame (each frame 0.11m