华钩藤Uncaria sinensis或钩藤U.rhynchophylla的钩和枝茎在中国汉方药中用于治疗高血压及其伴随的症状如头痛、头晕。从中分离出以钩藤碱(rhynchophylline)和异钩藤碱(isorhynchophylline)为代表的许多吲哚类生物碱。药理研究表明有些生物碱如二氢柯楠因(dihyduocorynantheine)、
The hooks and stems of Uncaria sinensis or U. rhynchophylla are used in Chinese medicine to treat hypertension and its accompanying symptoms such as headache and dizziness. Many steroidal alkaloids represented by rhynchophylline and isorhynchophylline were isolated therefrom. Pharmacological studies have shown that some alkaloids such as dihyduocorynantheine,