Toy store stops selling drug—dealer dolls

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  Toys R Us has stopped selling a drug-dealer doll from the popular American TV series (系列,连续) “Breaking Bad”. One of the figures (人物造型) had bags full of drug money and blue crystal drugs. A mother, Susan Myers, started an online petition (请愿书) to get Toys R Us to stop selling the toys. More than 3,000 people signed it. Ms Myers wrote on the petition, “Toys R Us is well known around the world... However their decision to sell a Breaking Bad doll with a bag of cash and a bag of drugs, alongside children’s toys, is a dangerous move away from their family-friendly values.”
  Ms Myers said Breaking Bad was popular with adults, but the dolls from the show should not be on a toy store shelf next to Disney characters. She said, “Parents and grandparents around the world shop at Toys R Us, online and in stores, with their children. They should not but have to explain why a certain toy comes with a bag of highly dangerous drugs not allowed by law, or why someone who sells those drugs should be made into a public figure.”
  Toys R Us said the materials used to cover the dolls clearly showed that the dolls are for ages 15 and up. They were in the adult public figure area of the stores.
  1. What is Toys R Us?
  A. A man. B. A woman. C. A shop
  2. Toys R Us has stopped selling a drug-dealer doll because
  A. one of the figures had bags full of drug money.
  B. a women started an online petition to get Toys R Us to do it.
  C. more than 2,000 people signed an online petition.
  3. Why did so many people signed the online petition?
  A. Breaking Bad was popular with adults.
  B. They couldn’t explain why a toy came with a bag of dangerous drugs.
  C. Someone who sells those drugs should be made into an action person.
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