Line up according to birthday, height...

来源 :第二课堂(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jasonzhong414
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  This is a great classroom activity that works particularly well with classes that are normally a little shy and reserved. Sometimes you need to get quiet students up and out of their desks to get them relaxed and feeling confident enough to use their English language skills.
  The game goes like this: groups of students lining up in order, depending on the standard you choose, whether it’s their birthday, height or other things like that.
  Begin by dividing your classroom into teams, if there are 40 students in your class then 4 teams of 10 should work well. Explain that they must line up in order using only English to communicate with each other, teams caught cheating will be taken away from that round.
  When a team finishes, the person at the front of the line puts their hand up and you walk down the line checking that they are really in the correct order. You can choose for each team a leader who is responsible for organizing the team, making sure they don’t cheat and telling to you when they have finished.
  Give one point to the first successful team and start the next round using different standard. Here’s some I use:
  Shoe size
  Time they woke up this morning
  Time they went to bed last night
  Number of brothers and sisters
  Number of pets
  Number of times out of the country
  For fun you can try a round where they’re not allowed to communicate in words at all, limiting them to just hand movements and physical gestures. Add up the final points at the end of the game and see which team wins!
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优孟是春秋时期楚国宫廷中的一个乐师,不但能歌善舞,而且能言善辩,经常把对君王的劝谏之词暗喻于谈笑之间,从而收到满意的效果。  却说楚庄王特别喜爱一匹好马,让它披上艳丽的丝绸,住进豪华的屋宇,室内的地上还铺有“露床”,喂的饲料都是一般人也享受不到的枣脯、桃脯等。这匹养尊处优的马越长越肥,竟然死了。楚庄王伤心得很,命令群臣一律身穿丧服,为此马吊祭,并打算把它殓进棺椁中,以大夫的礼节安葬。大臣们纷纷谏诤
(Gujranwala, Pakistan)  You are really sweet  You do for us good deeds  I love u I love u  Mom and Dad  Never be sad  Nothing to wish  Nothing to say.  Just live happy that’s what I pray  I love u I l
乌鸦鸦鸦叫,春天来临了,  农夫种玉米,美餐犒我饱。  水鸭鸭鸭叫,春天运气好,  池冷变温暖,结伴游泳笑。  青蛙蛙蛙叫,跃出地泽沼,  公平共和煦,爱春偕歌鸟。
A mother duck was hatching (孵化) eggs. On a beautiful sunny day, the eggs broke open. One of the little ducks looked very different and ugly. It was grey in color and was bigger and stronger than other
The verb“go” is one of the first verbs to learn in English, but many students make mistakes with it, especially in the past tense —“went”.  1. He usually goes shopping at this store.  He went shopping
引证法是在议论中引用公理、名言警句、经典著作、历史文献、谚语、成语、俗语、传说、古今诗文等作为论据,以此证明观点的一种论证方法。“引”得“滥”而不精、不准,“引”而不“析”、不“证”,使议论文变成“观点加引语”,这是中学生运用引证法的常见失误。作为理论论证的重要方法,怎样发挥引证法权威性和说服力强的优势呢?《真话的“敢说”与“乐听”》一文为我们提供了范例。  吴良伦  据载,宋真宗有一天与大臣一起
1. 我们班有两个女同学去买珍珠奶茶,进去买了奶茶出来时,刚好隔壁店有一男孩冲楼上喊人:“喂,小洁!”  我那同学顿时提着奶茶蹲下去,并大声叫:“不要抢我啊!不要抢我啊!”  此刻众人万千目光集于她一身。  我另一同学也赶紧捂脸,问她干吗大叫。  她答:“刚刚不是有人大喊抢劫吗?”  无语……  赶紧拉着她走人……    2. 我表弟上小学时,有一年放暑假,老师要求每天写一篇日记,他天天在家疯玩,
近年来,一些省市把文学名著和文化经典列入了高考的内容,扩大了高考的选材范围,丰富了高考的命题形式。笔者相信,今后还会有更多的省市加入这一行列。因此,对这方面的试题做一点评析介绍,将有助于我们备考。  文学名著试题  一、 设置文学名著判断题  设置该类题型,走在前面的是福建和江苏,两省的高考试卷从2008年就开始设置名著客观试题(江苏卷以附加题的形式出现),至今已有四年。2011年,江西卷也出现了
我是一名语文老师,我喜欢字写得好的试卷,这不是废话。  很多其他学科的老师,都在异口同声地说,字写得好的卷子就是让人看了舒服!  我参加了多年的高考语文阅卷,而且一直承担作文评分任务。对于考生的书写,我确实有着别样的感受。  那么,考生的卷面,尤其是字写得好,对我会产生哪些影响呢?  一者,给我的第一印象很好。  字写得好的,一般卷面也整洁些。这样的卷面总给人一种美感。美,谁会拒绝呢?我自然乐意看