汉字是世界上最古老的文字之一。它与古埃及文字、古苏美尔文字和古巴比伦文字都有四千年以上的历史。然而其他古老的文字早在两千年前就被历史所淘汰了,只有汉字一直流传至今。但它已从“视而可识”的图形文字,发展成了“隐闭指意”的表意文字。因其字数多、笔画繁、读音乱,所以难认、难读、难写、难记。鲁迅先生说:“虽读书十年,也还不能任意写出自己的意见。”连古代的大诗人杜甫都说:“读书难字过”(《漫成》),可见汉字实在难。为了解决汉字的难认、难读、难写、难记,从图形文字开始就不断地进行着改革。 一简化汉字的改革趋向
Chinese characters are one of the oldest languages in the world. It has more than four thousand years of history with ancient Egyptian writing, ancient Sumerian writing, and ancient Babylonian writing. However, other ancient texts were eliminated by history as early as two thousand years ago. Only Chinese characters have been circulating till now. However, it has evolved into a “hidden meaning” of ideographic characters from the “visible” graphic language. Because of its number of words, strokes, reading chaos, it is difficult to recognize, difficult to read, hard to write, hard to remember. Lu Xun said: “Although reading a decade, but also can not arbitrarily write their own opinion.” Even the ancient poet Du Fu said: “difficult to read” (“diffuse”), we can see the Chinese is really difficult. In order to solve the Chinese characters difficult to recognize, difficult to read, difficult to write, hard to remember, from the beginning of the graphic language to carry out the reform. A simplified tendency of the reform of Chinese characters