扼要介绍20世纪60 70年代以关肇直为代表的控制论研究室的课题组所获得的两项国家奖——国家自然科学一等奖项目《飞行器弹性控制理论研究》和国家科技进步特等奖项目《尖兵一号返回型卫星和东方红一号卫星》中的子课题“卫星轨道测量”与“轨道选择研究”.
Briefly introduce the two national awards won by the research group of the cybernetics laboratory represented by Guan Zhao in the 1960s and 1970 - the first prize of the National Natural Science Project, the “Research on the Theory of Aircraft Elastic Control” and the National Grand Prize for Scientific and Technological Progress “ ”Return to the satellite and the Dongfanghong I satellite“ sub-topics ”satellite orbit measurement “ and ”orbit selection research ".