The pharyngeal dental formula of Mylopharyngodon piceus is 4-5 as a rule, and the dentition isasymmetrical. It is difficult to identify each tooth in the larval dentition. In this paper the appearancepattem of tooth germ with developmental process in this fish is described in detail. The formationpattern of the left dentition is contrasted with that of the right one. In the developmental process,the left pharyngeal dentition lacks teeth at position An3. Thus the left dentition is D-type as designatedby Nakajima(1984), while the right one is A-type.
The pharyngeal dental formula of Mylopharyngodon piceus is 4-5 as a rule, and the dentition isasymmetrical. It is difficult to identify each tooth in the larval dentition. In this paper the appearancepattem of tooth germ with developmental process in this fish is described in detail . The formationpattern of the left dentition is contrasted with that of the right one. In the developmental process, the left pharyngeal dentition lacks teeth at position An3. Thus the left dentition is D-type as designatedby Nakajima (1984), while the right one is A-type.