提起沙漠,人们自然会把它与干旱联系在一起。谁都知道,沙漠是降水最少的地方,那里植被稀疏,水比油还贵,很难把暴雨连连与沙漠联系起来。可是在我国大西北被沙漠所包围的敦煌盆地的敦煌县,1979年在如此缺水的地方居然闹了一场大水灾,仅县城一段就毁房4000 多间,受灾人数达7000余人,公路交通中断,总共经济损失达3000多万元,要说是奇闻,还真无夸张之意。
When we talk about deserts, people naturally associate it with drought. Everyone knows that the desert is the place with the least precipitation, where the vegetation is sparse and the water is more expensive than oil. It is difficult to associate heavy rain with the desert. However, in Dunhuang County, a Dunhuang Basin surrounded by deserts in the northwest of China, a flood was caused in such a water-scarce area in 1979. Only in the county seat, more than 4,000 houses were destroyed, and the number of affected people reached more than 7,000. Interrupted, the total economic loss amounted to more than 30 million yuan, to say that is anecdote, really no exaggeration.