Processing of Ceramic Based Nanocomposite Usingα-Al_2O_3 Powder and FeCl_2 Solution as Starting Mate

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jianbbk
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Alumina-iron nanocomposite powders were prepared by a two-step process.In the first step,α-Al_2O_3-FeCl_2 powder mixture was formed by mixingα-Al_2O_3 powders with FeCl_2 solution followed by drying.In the second step,the FeCl_2 in the dry power mixture was selectively reduced to iron particles.A reduction temperature of 750℃for 15 min in dry H_2 was chosen based on the thermodynamic calculations.The concentration of iron in FeCl_2 solution was calculated to be 20 vol.pct in the final composite.Two techniques were used to produce composite bulk materials.The Al_2O_3 nanocomposite powders were divided to two batches.The first batch of the produced mixture was hot pressed at 1400℃and 27 MPa for 30 min in a graphite die.To study the effect of oxygen on the Al_2O_3/Fe interface bonding and mechanical properties of the composite, the second batch was heat treated in air at 700℃for 20 min to partially oxidize the iron particles before hot pressing.Characterization of the composites was undertaken by conventional density measurements,X-ray diffractometry(XRD),scanning electron microscopy(SEM),transmission electron microscopy(TEM)and electron probe micro analysis(EPMA).The suggested processing route(mixing,reduction and hot pressing) produces ceramic-metal nanocomposite much tougher than the pure Al_2O_3.The fracture strength of the produced Al_2O_3/Fe nanocomposite is nearly twice that of the pure Al_2O_3.The presence of spinel phase, FeAl_2O_4,as thick layer around the Fe particles in the Al_2O_3 matrix has a detrimental effect on interracial bonding between Fe and Al_2O_3 and the fracture properties of the composite. Alumina-iron nanocomposite powders were prepared by a two-step process. In the first step, α-Al 2 O 3 -FeCl 2 powder mixture was formed by mixing α-Al 2 O 3 powders with FeCl 2 solution followed by drying. In the second step, the FeCl 2 in the dry A reduction temperature of 750 ° C for 15 min in dry H_2 was chosen based on the thermodynamic calculations. The concentration of iron in FeCl_2 solution was calculated to be 20 vol. pct in the final composite. Two Techniques were used to produce composite bulk materials. Al 2 O 3 nanocomposite powders were divided to two batches. The first batch of the produced mixtures was hot pressed at 1400 ° C and 27 MPa for 30 min in a graphite die. To study the effect of oxygen on the Al 2 O 3 / Fe interface bonding and mechanical properties of the composite, the second batch was heat treated in air at 700 ° C for 20 min to partially oxidize the iron particles before hot pressing. Characterization of the composites w as subjected by conventional density measurements, X-ray diffractometry (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and electron probe micro analysis (EPMA) ceramic-metal nanocomposite much tougher than the pure Al 2 O 3. The fracture strength of the produced Al 2 O 3 / Fe nanocomposite is nearly twice that of the pure Al 2 O 3. The presence of spinel phase, FeAl 2 O 4, as thick layer around the Fe particles in the Al 2 O 3 matrix has a detrimental effect on interracial bonding between Fe and Al_2O_3 and the fracture properties of the composite.
10月1日 晴  我的老家在蟒河镇,趁“十一”黄金周旅游之际,我和爸爸妈妈回蟒河风景区观光。凉爽的秋天,阳光明媚,清风习习,小车在宽敞的山路上奔跑着,很快把我们带回了美丽的家园。  家乡的山,硕果累累。远处,柿子树是深棕色的,挂满枝头的黄色柿子像一个个火红的小灯笼,可爱极了;葡萄树上的葡萄晶莹透亮,像一串串紫黑的珍珠。近处,石榴树上的石榴好像享受着秋天的沐浴,张开了红红的嘴巴,露出了尖尖的牙齿;橙
10月25日 晴 那是我十一岁过生日那天,父亲送给我一只茧,还告诉我这只茧会变成美丽的蝴蝶。  怀着好奇的心情,我把茧放在小纸盒里,期待着蝴蝶破茧而出。可事实却没能让我如愿以偿,我趴在桌上,整整两个小时了,那只茧还是在那“睡觉”。“哎呀,怎么还不出来。”我开始发牢骚了,“蝴蝶大仙,你快出来吧!”那只茧似乎听到了我的“祷告”,竟然微微颤动了一下。它要出来了吗?  我继续观察,在茧朝上的一端,先裂了一
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