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财政是国家为实现其职能,参与社会产品和国民收入分配、再分配活动及其形成的分配关系。其本身具有体现分配平等,促进社会公平的社会职能,是构建和谐社会不可缺少的主要力量。做大财政收入蛋糕,保障重点支出需要,是创建和谐社会的物质基础。收支和谐,则财政和谐;财政和谐,则社会和谐。一个和谐的财政机关是构建和谐财政的基础。没有机关的和谐就没有整个财政的和谐。这就迫切需要大力加强和改进财政机关的思想政治工作,化解各种矛盾,扎扎实实地推进财政事业健康发展。一、加强政工队伍建设,以能人促和谐加强政工队伍建设,把一大批德才兼备的中青年干部充实到机关政工队伍中来,建立以政工队伍为基础、专职和兼职相结合、党政工团齐抓共管的全方位政工队伍体制;形成职责分明、责任到位的工作机制;实行责、权、利相结合的激励机制。首先是明确职责,建立完善政工人员的职责,明确任务和要求。其次是发挥作用,政工人员是思想政治工作的贯彻者、落实者、执行者,依靠他们去组织、引导、 Finance is the state’s distribution of social functions and income distribution, redistribution activities and their formation in order to realize their functions. Its own social function of equal distribution and social fairness is an indispensable main force in building a harmonious society. Making larger financial revenue cakes and ensuring the necessary expenditures is the material basis for creating a harmonious society. Income and expenditure harmony, the financial harmony; financial harmony, social harmony. A harmonious financial institution is the foundation for building a harmonious finance. There is no harmony of the entire government without the harmony of the organs. This urgently needs to vigorously strengthen and improve the ideological and political work of the financial authorities, resolve various contradictions and push forward soundly the fiscal cause in a down-to-earth manner. First, we should step up the building of a contingent of political workers and workers and promote the building of a contingent of political workers with a view to promoting harmony among people. We should enrich a large number of young and middle-aged cadres who have both ability and political integrity in the work of government agencies and workers. We should establish a contingent of full-time and part- Work groups make concerted efforts to establish an all-encompassing contingent of government workers; form a work mechanism with clear responsibilities and responsibilities; and implement an incentive mechanism combining responsibility, power and benefits. The first is to clarify responsibilities, establish and improve the responsibilities of political workers, a clear mandate and requirements. Second is to play a role, political workers are ideological and political work of the implementation, implementation, implementation, rely on them to organize, guide,
背景资料: 南京,六朝都会,全国首批历史文化名城南京,全国最具发展潜力的城市,全国四大科研教育中心城市,全国最具竞争力城市,其科技实力位居全国第三,综合实力进入全国50强,
一、抓住时机,一鼓作气.迅速将工作落实到基层 根据国家经贸委的统一部署,按照《国家经贸委支持“西部大开发”中小企业工商管理培训电视教学总体方案》的具体要求,我们在二
The swung gel fibers were heated to 400 ℃ at 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3 and 4 ℃·min-1 of heating rate, respectively, and soaked for 1 h; then heated to 600 ℃ at
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