法国是最早生产矿泉水的国家之一,其消费量在西方国家名列前茅,平均每人年饮用量可达55升。现法国生产的矿泉水有50多种,但质量属上乘者有以下几种: Evian矿泉水:是法国较为大众化的一种味美可口的无汽矿泉水,其矿化度适中,钠含量低(5mg/升),适于婴儿、高血压和肾结石患者饮用。此种矿泉水是由法国一位绅士1789年于奥弗涅地区发现的。当时这位绅士患有肾结石,因一时病发疼极,喝了些取自当地卡莎泉的泉水。泉水入肚,病痛骤然消失。后经化验分析,发现其中成分利于消除肾结石。 Perrier矿泉水:产自法国加尔省,是一位名叫佩里埃的医生在1870年发现的。此种矿泉水为天然汽水,打开瓶盖,可见细泡咝咝,冒个不停。饮之略带酸味,不仅可口,而且还极有助于消化。美国人对这种矿泉水推崇备至,称其为“地球奉献给人类的第一软饮料”。据称,许多减肥者都十分喜欢喝“Perrier”矿泉
France is one of the earliest producers of mineral water and its consumption ranks among the highest in Western countries with an average consumption of 55 liters per person per year. Now there are more than 50 kinds of mineral water produced in France, but the quality is as follows: Evian mineral water: is a more popular French-style non-steam mineral water with moderate salinity and low sodium content 5mg / liter), suitable for infants, high blood pressure and kidney stones for drinking. This mineral water was discovered by a French gentleman in the Auvergne region in 1789. At that time, the gentleman was suffering from kidney stones, because of a sudden onset of pain, drank some spring water from the local Kasha Quan. Spring water into the abdomen, pain suddenly disappear. After laboratory analysis, found that the ingredients will help eliminate kidney stones. Perrier mineral water: produced in Gard, France, was discovered by a doctor named Perrieu in 1870. This kind of mineral water for natural soft drinks, open the bottle cap, you can see the thin bubble 咝 咝, take a non-stop. Slightly sour, not only delicious, but also very helpful for digestion. Americans respect this mineral water, calling it “the first soft drink Earth dedication to human beings.” Allegedly, many dieters are very fond of drinking “Perrier” mineral springs