纳撒尼尔?霍桑是美国19世纪影响最大的浪漫主义小说家,其代表作《红字》(The Scarlet Letter)对当世和后代都造成了重大影响。在这......
Splenic infarction is a rare condition (1/500,000 and 1/100,000) but potentially fatal. The prognosis depends on the dia......
【正】 背黑锅 bēi hēi guō“背黑锅”,动宾结构(背——黑锅)。黑锅:被火烧黑了的锅,比喻罪名或坏名声。“背黑锅”比喻代替别......
Chemical Composition of Industrial Effluents and Their Effect on the Survival of Fish and Eutrophica
Growing trends in industrialization in Ethiopia have raised concerns about pollution of water bodies particularly of lak......
Evaluation of 15 Years Practice of Coelioscopic Treatment of Ectopic Pregnancy in the Surgery Depart
Aim: To evaluate 15 years practice of coelioscopic Treatment of ectopicpregnancy in the Surgery Department “A” at the ......