Optimization of the Enzyme Matching Ratio by the Mixture Design in the Extraction of Lonicera edulis
[Objective] The research aimed to find the optimum proportions of pectase,cellulase and papain in the extraction of Loni......
山慈姑亦名光慈姑、毛慈姑、朱姑、金灯等,为百合种植物山慈姑老鸦辦(Tu1ipa edulis Bak.)。一般记载有小毒。我们曾遇2例男患者(......
A fragment with about 798 bp of cab gene was amplified from the first strand of Moso(Phyllostachys edulis)cDNA through R......
[Objective]The research aimed to study the IR fingerprint spectra of Passiflora edulis. [Method] Two new indices includi......
Management scheme influence and nitrogen addition effects on soil CO_(2),CH_(4),and N_(2)O fluxes in
Background:It is still not clear whether the effects of N deposition on soil greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions are influenced......
Green-lipped mussels (Perna viridis) were collected from a local mariculture site and placed in pre-cleaned sea water ta......
天麻为常用中药。近年来用药病人增多,各种伪晶也相继发现。我市发现的有菊科植物大理菊(Dah-lia pinnata Cav),紫茉莉科植物紫茉......
香肉果Casinuiroa edulis Llave et Lex是产于墨西哥的树木,当地用作催眠和降压药。本文报导了其种子的水提取物对麻醉狗的心血管......
采用2种实验性癫痫模型即最大电休克发作(MES)和戊四唑惊厥法(METsc),比较研究了香肉果(Casimiroa edulis)叶水提取物(LA)、水提......
贻贝多活素(multibioactive substances of Mytilus edulis L,MSM)是从紫贻贝肉提取的多种活性物质。选用昆明种小鼠和Wistar大鼠,......
从福建省热带作物研究所种植的台农1号杂交种西番莲 Passiflora edulis X.P.edulis var.flavicarpa 采集到表现死顶病状的一个病......
Objective To evaluate the spermicidal activity of Passiflora edulis extract on human spermatozoa. Methods Human spermato......
Study on Litter Water Interception Capacity of Phyllostachys edulis Plantations with Different Densi
The litter amount and the water holding characteristic parameters,such as the maximum water holding capacity and rate,th......
台贝(Mytilus edulis Linne’)是大连市沿海重要经济水产品之一。从1972年大连湾查资料表明:贻贝对砷有一定的累积量,个别海域砷......
Preliminary investigations were recently made in laboratory on the effects of low-levelradioactivity contaminated by ra......
我省山区盛产毛竹。毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)又名茅竹、楠竹、江南竹、猫头竹,属禾本科。毛竹的特点,生长快、产量高。它从出......
紫果西番莲(Passiflora edulis Sims):属西番莲科西番莲属的多年生常绿藤本饮料植物,因果实卵圆形如鸡蛋,故又称鸡蛋果。原产巴西......
兰靛果忍冬(Lonicera caerulea var.edulis)是忍冬科多年生落叶灌木.别名山茄子、羊奶子、黑瞎子果等.果实Vc含量仅次于黑穗醋栗,......
鸡蛋果(Passiflora edulis)目前已广泛分布于世界许多热带、亚热带地区。引入我国也已有十多年的历史,现台湾、广东、福建等地均......
紫果西番莲(Passiflora edulis Sims)又名鸡蛋果,1956年从印尼引入厦门地区,经世代繁殖,已推广到闽东南、闽东和浙江温州地区,成为......
1986年7月初,我们到剑门雄关,对美味牛肝菌(Boletus edulis)的生态习性进行了实地考察,现简报如下:美味牛肝菌,多见于针叶林地、......
<正> 廿六、美味牛肝菌(Boletus edulis) 白牛肝(别称);白牛头(别称);炒菌(云南一带俗称);黄荞巴(云南一带俗称);大脚菇(俗称);肥......
鸡蛋果(passiflora edulis)为西番莲科(passifloraceae),西番莲属(passi-flora).本属约有400余种,大都原产于热带美洲,其中约60种......
蓝靛果(Lonicera cacrulea var.edulis)又名黑瞎子果、狗奶子,是忍冬科食用野生浆果类植物。分布于欧、亚、美三洲北部,我国在新......
紫果西番莲(Passiflora edulis Sims)和粉色西番莲(P.incarnarnata L.)的果实生长呈S生长曲线.紫果西番莲果实比种植在温室或野生......
一种在热带和亚热带地区生长的多年生藤本植物——黄果西番莲(Passiflora edulis f.flavicarpaDegener),在温带地区作为一年生作物......
Mycorrhizae involving Boletus edulis and Pinus massoniana have been successfully established and their morphological cha......
Optimization of the Extraction Process of Total Flavonoids from Lonicera edulis Turcz. by Orthogonal
[Object] To optimize the extraction process of total flavonoids from Lonicera edulis Turcz..[Method] On the basis of sin......
An excellent Lonicera edulis strain, L1-8 that was bred by Northeast Institute of Geography and Agro-ecology, Chinese Ac......
为了推进芭蕉芋(Canna edulis Ker)的生产和发展,国内外学者对芭蕉芋的种植进行了深入系统的研究。在此基础上,对近年来国内外关于芭......
研究了美味牛肝菌(Boletus edulis Bull.:Fr)菌丝体的营养特性。结果表明,美味牛肝菌生长的最适碳源是葡萄糖,最适氮源是蛋白胨,最......
Leaf nitrogen resorption is very important to Phyllostachys edulis development because the withdrawn nitrogen can help n......
Phyllostachys edulis plays an important role in maintaining carbon cycling.We examined the effects of soil properties on......
Psychoactive Chemical Constituents of Carissa edulis (Forssk.) Vahl Roots and Its Safety Limits in F
Carissa edulis Vahl is well known in Sudanese herbal medicine,commonly used for treatment of epilepsy,headache,chest pai......
Passiflora species presents a coevolutive relationship with Heliconiini butterflies, their primary herbivores. The Helic......
Mussel larval densities may fluctuate considerably on both small spatial and short temporal scales. So far, only few and......
The phytochemical study of Uruguayan specimens of Allophylus edulis (Sapindaceae) yielded the isolation of various natur......
Breeding programs have sought to determine the minimum period of genotype evaluation, which is a long term-process. The ......